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Example: H9999
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Important note: Data is refreshed once daily between 8:00 am and 10:00 am EST. During this time period you may get partial search results while the data refresh is loading. Results will only reflect data entered during normal operating hours from the previous business day. Additional delays in updated data availability may occur at least once monthly due to source system patching, or in the event of an unplanned outage. For optimal results, please allow at least one full business day for complete data refresh. Please note that only two years’ worth of data will be displayed and maintained in the results. Appeals older than two years will not appear.


Case Number - The number assigned by the Medicare Appeal System (MAS) to the Level 2, or Level 3 appeal.
IRE Request Received Date - The date the Reconsideration was received at the IRE.
IRE Appeal Priority - The priority determined by the IRE which determines appeal processing timeframes (Expedited, Pre-service Part B Drug, Pre-Service, Retrospective).
Plan Reported Recon Receipt Date - The date reported by the plan on the Reconsideration Background Data form, that the Plan received the request for a Reconsideration.
IRE Corrected Recon Receipt Date - The date the IRE determines is the correct date that the request for a Reconsideration was received by the plan. No date will appear if the IRE verifies the Plan Reported Recon Receipt Date.
Plan Timely - Timeliness is based on the number of days between the IRE Request Received Date and Plan Reported Recon Receipt Date columns. If there is a date in the IRE Corrected Recon Receipt Date column, then timeliness is based on the number of days between and the IRE Request Received Date and the IRE Corrected Recon Receipt Date columns.
Plan Extension (Y/N) - Indicates if the plan allowed an extension of the Reconsideration timeframe, as reported to the IRE on the Reconsideration Background Data Form.
IRE Recon Decision - The decision made by the IRE on Reconsideration at Level 2.
IRE Reopen Decision - If a reopening occurs at the IRE, the decision made by the IRE on Reopening.
ALJ Decision - If an ALJ appeal occurs, the decision made by the ALJ.
Last Decision Date - The date of the most recent decision made by the IRE or ALJ.
QIC Appeal Deadline - The deadline date for the QIC Appeal.